Continuing Education Links
California State University and California Community Colleges offer you a wide range of opportunities to continue your education.
To apply for admission to any community college in the state, go to – the official online gateway to the California Community Colleges.
Here are some of the colleges that serve our community. Just click on the name of the college, and you will be taken to its website.
COLLEGE FOR ADULTS: This is a great resource for adults planning to go to college. It will help you with career planning, college selection, the application process, and identifying sources of financial aid.
CALIFORNIACOLLEGES.EDU is the official source for college and career planning in California. It includes an introduction to the community college system, and information on FAFSA, financial aid for DREAM Act students, and Foster Youth.
MAPPING YOUR FINANCIAL JOURNEY: HELPING ADULTS PLAN FOR COLLEGE: This is a very comprehensive and practical guide to planning for your future. It includes lots of information and worksheets on goal-setting, financial basics, pitfalls to avoid, college costs, financial aid, and tips on how to succeed in making a transition to college life.
CALIFORNIA CAREER PLANNING GUIDE: This guide is designed to help people of all ages plan for the future. It will help you learn more about your own skills and interests, understand the steps you will need to take to succeed in finding a career, and identify education and training opportunities.
There are resources available to help you pay for college and other continuing education. These are some of the sites where you will find information on financial aid sources, requirements, and application procedures:
FAFSA ON THE WEB This site helps prospective college students navigate the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). It includes information on self-assessments, the GED, college entrance exams, considerations in choosing a postsecondary institution, college costs and financial aid, and maintaining and repaying federal loans. The site includes important information on deadlines for applying for financial aid.
FEDERAL STUDENT AID FOR ADULT STUDENTS A helpful guide to myths and facts about financial aid available through the federal government.
CALIFORNIA STUDENT AID COMMISSION: An important resource for information on resources to help you pay for continuing education, including FAFSA, the California Dream Act, and Cal Grants.
COLLEGE AFFORDABILITY AND TRANSPARENCY CENTER A government website that helps prospective college students to search colleges by cost and see trends in tuition increases.
SCHOLARSHIP ASSISTANCE: The Morgan Hill chapter of the American Association of University Women offers re-entry scholarships to women who are enrolled in community college. See the LOCAL SCHOLARSHIPS PAGE of the AAUW-MORGAN HILL web site for information.
CALAPPRENTICESHIP.ORG gives you lots of information about a wide range of apprenticeship programs. Union-sponsored apprenticeships offer training and excellent career pathways.
READING PROGRAM: The Reading Program of the Santa Clara County Library offers personal tutoring for adults who want to improve their reading skills. Visit the READING PROGRAM web site or call (408) 262-1349.
KHAN ACADEMY: Free online tutoring and resources for math, sciences, and humanities, with many opportunities to practice your skills.
HIPPOCAMPUS: Free resources for Math, English, Social Studies, and Sciences.
PURPLEMATH: Free online tutoring that will help you develop skill and confidence in Algebra.
COOLMATH: Bored by Math? Confused by Math? Hate Math? This site provides lots of lessons, practices, and references that try to make it fun to improve your Math skills.
AAA MATH: thousands of interactive arithmetic lessons that will help you improve your skills and confidence.
FREERICE: This site gives you a chance to practice your vocabulary. You can start with beginning-level vocabulary, and choose higher levels to challenge yourself.
MERRIAM-WEBSTER’S LEARNER’S DICTIONARY: An online American English dictionary for students of English as a Second Language and other students who want to improve their language arts skills.